Tracy Little

Home Energy Clearing

Why Home Energy Clearing is necessary?

Energetically, everything that ever happens in a home leaves an imprint. It is recorded in the walls, floor, ceiling, furniture, and other objects. The energy, Good & Bad form the very fabric of your home.
Repeated actions, behaviours and events involving strong emotions, stress or trauma are the most strongly imprinted of all. If you've ever walked into a room after there has just been an argument, you will feel it. As they say, you could cut the tension with a knife. Same applies with the Energy left behind.

  • Negative emotions: hate, anger, rage, depression and abuse all leave negative energy in your home.

  • This negative energy retained within your home, builds up and affects those who pass through it.

  • Much like dust and clutter, this energy has no way to escape, leaving it to get denser and stronger.

Signs of Negative Energy in Your Life

If there are times you feel negative it’s a sign that you, your relationships, or your home are being affected by energy. You may notice theses feelings more in certain parts of your home where bad energy has been retained.
Some of these signs include:

  • Continually complaining: Complaining becomes a habit of negativity. You have become more and more cynical in your views of those in the world around you. A clear indication of being affected by bad energy in your home or workplace.

  • Negative relationships: A sign that negative energy is affecting you is when you find yourself drawn to people who are full of negative energy as well. Possibly even a partner or family.

Dark thoughts: You find yourself constantly seeing the bad in others. You see your life cluttered and going nowhere. Your view of who you are and your life in general is in a downward negative slide.

Ways to Clear Negative Energy

So now that you know you’ve got some negative energy in your life, it’s time to clear it. Being aware of bad energy is a great first step. And there are a number of steps you can take to clear the energy.
Below are a few ways that you can improve the energy in your home. These involve treating your home and understanding how you’re affected and working on yourself. If the bad energy build up is too great, it maybe time to call in an expert such as myself to professionally clear your home of bad energy that may have built up over many years.

  • Declutter: Clutter holds in negative energy. Remove the items that aren’t valuable to your life. Start a process, a room at a time, even a portion of a room at a time. Small steps to start the journey.

  • Immerse yourself with positivity: When in a negative space surround yourself with positive energy, positive people, books, movies, new hobbies. Work to keep your thoughts positive with new activities.

  • Sage bundles: Light and burn sage wafting sage smoke in and around your home. You can place the bundle in a fireproof bowl or burner and allow it to smoke for a while.



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